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Yep, babe for sure. Certainly wouldn't kick her out of bed...hope she gets her game back soon.

Still though I have always been partial to Vera Zvonereva.

Wonder who the top 5 or 10 hottest in women's tennis would be?

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Favog, I made a similar resolution, but it's to drink less beer. So far so good, though I'm not losing the weight I might if I gave it up entirely...What is it about religious celerations and torturing chickens? There's that Jewish thing up here where they do pretty much the same thing. Does God really like that??


Anna looking very hot on the first photo

Tough Mudder

The first one is so HOT ! Lying with the thousands of pink balls. The second one is also hot. Keep posting ! Thanks.


I agree, the pose were really sporty, and it's some kinda hot for Anna. She's so hot and gorgeous. thanks for sharing !

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